Viewers rely heavily on personalized recommendations. That requires gathering audience intelligence from numerous sources.
Media science is the art of knowing where to look for viewer data and how to use it.
Telecoms, OTT Apps, and Networks are missing out on billions in potential profit, and wasting way too much time on cleaning internal data. Publisher Arts cleans up internal data and identifies what is relevant, and overlays that with intelligence from outside sources to get a more complete viewer profile.
Media Health Index Scores make your decisions proactive.
Discover macro trends, drive pricing decisions, know your country by country Media Health Index rating for better content pricing, and understand the global demand for content. Automate these processes with Climate by stitching together multiple data sets to further empower your marketing, sales, and acquisition strategies. Industry and audience are always changing. Publisher Arts spots trends in viewer demands and industry currents early so you know what to commission, acquire, produce, and license. You no longer react to data, you use intelligence to stay ahead of the competition.
Discover what the power of Climate and The Media Scientists can do for you.
Looking for something custom?
What upcoming projects do you have in the pipeline? Contact us today and speak with our engineers to help you find the best solution.
The deeper the personalization the higher the viewer retention rate.
PA managed data ecosphere integrates internal and external intelligence and responds much faster to audience demands. Using Biome, the Px Cloud enhances marketing decisions, licensing strategy, and robust distribution for a more personalized experience for your audience.
Combining data on successful content to date, with deeper intelligence from multiple sources means greater retention on current programming and better predictors of what content will be successful in the future. Get a clearer picture of your company’s content roadmap today.
Before Biome

After Biome

Optimized workflows and data tools.
Optimize your content workflows and your entire content supply chains for better production, personalization, acquisition, marketing strategy, and distribution. With a subscription to the Px Cloud, you get access to our data visualization, leveraged company specific data streams with our hybrid data lake, and monthly reporting compliance and anomaly detection.